Claire Cavalieri's Unique Coaching Framework: Future-Self Visionary Approach
With my guidance plus your dedication and consistency, taking your health and well-being to the next level is absolutely possible. It’s not about making massive changes—you don’t need to go on some crazy diet, start running 5 miles a day, or take B12 shots. Rather, it’s about starting small, one step at a time. I show you the simple steps and guide you along at your own pace.
My FUTURE-SELF VISIONARY APPROACH is simple, research-based, and customized just for you. It's a framework to design and plan for the essential tasks you need to live independently, safely and healthfully in the later decades of your life. You will:
take complete control of your future health
create a health & fitness plan now to be well into your late decades
avoid the major diseases and illnesses
optimize your quality of life for multiple decades
lengthen your life expectancy
feel happier and fulfilled for the rest of your years

Step 1: Begin with booking a complimentary Consultation
Step 2: Based on the information gathered during your Consult, we'll determine
how we move forward to book the Breakthrough Wellness program OR book the Personalized Assessment first
50-minute session
A complimentary consultation to get acquainted and chat with Q & A's to determine if you are interested in committing to the Breakthrough Wellness program which is all about making impactful change in your current and future health and well-being.
The intention of this assessment and evaluation of your current health is to bring light to the areas of your health where you are in and out of balance and receive expert advice on becoming the healthiest version of your future self.
Answer the detailed Assessment Questionnaire about your lifestyle behaviors as they relate to the 6 Essential Pillars of Wellness: Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise, Stress Reduction, Social Connection, and Purposeful Living. In return, you'll receive a 30- minute evaluation via Zoom session describing in some detail the areas where you are in and out of balance and any suggested actions you can take for your improved health and well-being.
12 sessions
The intention of this 12-week Integrative Wellness program is to begin learning new habits to strengthen your body's resilience to prevent disease, keep your mind sharp, and flourish as you age. We will dive into each of the 6 Wellness Pillars: Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Stress Reduction, Social Connections, Purposeful Living with my guidance and education, learning specific practices and setting goals to meet your needs, ensured by an accountability process.
This program is based on my Future Self Visionary Approach which is used to design my clients' physical and lifestyle aspirations for the next 12 months and the later decades of their lives, especially the Bonus Decade.
Minimum 6 sessions
This continuation of the Breakthrough program takes you to your next level in all 6 Wellness categories to advance you in your goals to strive for the highest and best version of your flourishing future self—more potent, stronger and vital--and even attempts to lower your biological age. We go into subjects not covered in the Breakthrough program such as HRT, Supplements, alternative longevity therapies, regenerative medicine, and others.
As your mentor, I am there each step of the way to guide and help you stay focused as you navigate the transformation necessary to create your vibrant future and maximize your health as each day, week, month and year passes.
The six Essential Pillars of Ageless Aging are integrated for the
best quality of life, disease prevention and to live longer